L’attività di sperimentazione svolta negli ultimi anni all’IRSOO ha già portato a risultati tangibili: relazioni e poster presentati a congressi internazionali e nazionali, sia da docenti che da studenti appena diplomati o laureati, produzione di tesi sperimentali sulla base dei lavori di ricerca svolti nei nostri laboratori, sia da parte degli studenti del tradizionale ciclo di studi in Optometria che di quelli del corso di Laurea in Ottica e Optometria.
Teleoptometry and smartphone-associated visual habits across the lifespan.Grasso P.A., Tomasi F., Gurioli M. e Boccardo L. (2023), Il Nuovo Cimento 46 C, 169.
Teleoptometry: State of the art and future perspectives. Boccardo L, Grasso P.A. e Gurioli M. (2023), Il Nuovo Cimento 46 C, 163.
Viewing distance and character size in the use of smartphones across the lifespan. Boccardo, L., Gurioli, M., & Grasso, P. A. (2023). PloS one, 18(4), e0282947.
Broken Ring enVision Search (BReViS): A New Clinical Test of Attention to Assess the Effect of Layout and Crowding on Visual Search. Facchin A, Simioni M, Maffioletti S, & Daini R. Brain Sciences, 13(3), 494.
Decrease of myopic progression rate by Orthokeratology. Three-year results of a retrospective study. Paglia M, Fossetti A, Di Benedetto C. SOPTI Meeting abstracts. Scandinavian Journal of Optometry and Visual Science, 15(1) 2022.
Translation and validation of convergence insufficiency symptom survey to Italian: Psychometric results. Boccardo L, Di Vizio A, Galli G, Naroo SA, Fratini A, Tavazzi S, Gurioli M, Zeri F. Journal of Optometry (2022).
Normative Values of the Groffman Visual Tracing Test for the Assessment of Oculomotor Performance in the Adult Population. Facchin A, Mischi E, Iannello C, Maffioletti S, Daini R. Vision (Basel). 2022 Jun 15;6(2):34.
Saccadic movements assessment in eccentric fixation: A study in patients with Stargardt disease. Giacomelli G, Farini A, Baldini I, Raffaelli M, Bigagli G, Fossetti A, Virgili G. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2021 Sep;31(5):2556-2562.
Italian translation, validation, and repeatability of Standard Patient Evaluation of Eye Dryness (SPEED) Questionnaire. Facchin A, Boccardo L. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2021 Aug 11:101497.
Spotlight on the Developmental Eye Movement (DEM) Test. Facchin A. Clin Optom (Auckl), 2021
Comparison, within-session repeatability and normative data of three phoria tests.Facchin A, Maffioletti S. J Optom. 2021 Jul-Sep;14(3):263-274.
Self-reported symptoms of mask-associated dry eye: A survey study of 3,605 people. Boccardo L. Cont Lens Anterior Eye, 2021 Jan 20:101408.
Viewing distance of smartphones in presbyopic and non-presbyopic age. Boccardo L. J Optom. 2020 Sep 4:S1888-4296(20)30091-1.
Global prevalence of diabetic retinopathy: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cheloni R, Gandolfi SA, Signorelli C, Odone A. BMJ Open. 2019 Mar 3;9(3):e022188.
The Reliability of the DEM Test in the Clinical Environment. Facchin A, Maffioletti S. Front Psychol, 2018 Jul 25;9:1279.
An Italian translation and validation of the Near Activity Visual Questionnaire (NAVQ) – ABSTRACT Zeri F, Beltramo I, Boccardo L, Palumbo P, Petitti V, Wolffsohn JS, Naroo SA - European Journal of Ophthalmology, Vol. 27, Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2017, pp. 627-800, e175-e195
Short-term effects on local corneal thickness during the use of soft contact lenses for irregular cornea Fossetti A, Boccardo L, Rapini A - BCLA - 40th Clinical Conference & Exhibition – Liverpool – 9-11 June 2017
An Italian translation and validation of the Near Activity Visual Questionnaire (NAVQ)F. Zeri, I. Beltramo, L. Boccardo, P. Palumbo, V. Petitti, JS. Wolffsohn, SA. Naroo, European Journal of Ophtalmology 2017 Apr 11.
A test of multiple correlation temporal window characteristic of non-Markov processes Arecchi FT, Farini A, Megna N - The European Physical Journal Plus (2016) 131:50
Not prism prescription, but prism adaptation rehabilitates spatial neglect; a reply to Bansal, Han and Ciuffreda.Facchin A, Beschin N, Daini R. Brain Inj. 2015;29(4):533-4.
Design of short Italian sentences to assess near vision performance Calossi A, Boccardo L, Fossetti A, Radner W - Journal of Optometry, Vol. 7, Issue 4, Oct–Dec 2014, pp. 203-209
Modified Direction of DEM Test Suggests Differences in Naming and Eye Movements Facchin A, Ruffino M, Facoetti A, Maffioletti S - Optom Vis Perf 2014.
Computer-based assessment of visual acuity: comparison of different psychometric procedures Boccardo L, Marradini I - Roma, 18/20 Maggio 2019
Il diametro della pupilla dipende dall’errore refrattivo? Boccardo L, Kardatos D - Firenze, 21/22 Gennaio 2018
Occhiali a potere regolabile: valutazione del loro impiego in soggetti sottoposti a ortocheratologia Boccardo L, Salan M - Firenze, 21/22 Gennaio 2018
Presbyopia prescribing habits of eye care practitioners and patient satisfaction in Italy: which role for contact lenses? Boccardo L, Tricarico M - BCLA - 40th Clinical Conference & Exhibition – Liverpool – 9-11 June 2017
Calculated oxygen transmissibility through various piggyback contact lens systems Calossi A, Boccardo L - BCLA - 40th Clinical Conference & Exhibition – Liverpool – 9-11 June 2017
Retrospective analysis on myopia control with overnight orthokeratology (*) Fossetti A, Baumgartner B, Soragni P - 3° OCCSEE Conference - Split (Croatia) – 14-16 April 2016
Effect of simulated astigmatic refractive error on reading performance (*) Fossetti A, Martella M - 2° OCCSEE Conference - Rovinj (Croatia) – 29 May-1 June 2014
Relation between meibography of the two eyes, NIBUT and OSDI in young subjects Fossetti A, Aru S, Falleni C, Farini A, Landi A, Ramacciotti A - 7th International Conference on the Tear Film & Ocular Surface - Taormina (Italy) – 18-21 September 2013
The effect of contact lens on tear osmolarity depends on the tear osmolarity itself Fossetti A, Cozza F, Falleni C, Farini A, Siroki J - 7th International Conference on the Tear Film & Ocular Surface - Taormina (Italy) – 18-21 September 2013
Evaluation of the anterior chamber angle closure: comparison of the Van Herick technique with Scheimpflug camera (*) Imbesi S, Fossetti A - EAOO Conference – Malaga (Spain) - 18-21 April 2013
Repeatability and reproducibility of the measurement of ocular aberrations with a Shack-Hartmann aberrometer Parenti L, Fossetti A, Calossi A - EAOO Conference – Malaga (Spain) - 18-21 April 2013
Comparison between an open field autorefractor and an internal fixation target autorefractor Fossetti A, Farini A, Migliori G, Calossi A - EAOO Conference – Malaga (Spain) - 18-21 April 2013
Assessing near vision function: The Italian version of the Radner Reading Chart Fossetti A, Calossi A, Boccardo L - ECVP - Alghero (Italy) – 2-6 September 2012
Comparing reading speed on different devices: computer monitor, book, e-tablet (*) Marcì L, Farini A, Megna N, Baldanzi E, Fossetti A – ECVP - Toulouse (France) – 28 August- 1 September 2011
Hyperopic orthokeratology on myself Boccardo L - BCLA - 35th Clinical Conference & Exhibition, Manchester (UK) - 26-29 May 2011
(*)In collaboration with the Physics Department of the University of Florence